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Mycoplasma Canis And Cat Ab Rapid Detection Card

Mycoplasma is the smallest prokaryote known,lacking cell wall, and widely exists in the mucosa ofanimals. Since mycoplasma can also be isolated fromthe upper respiratory tract of normal healthy animals.it is difficult to assess the impact of mycoplasma onthe upper respiratory tract of animals


The Mycoplasma Canis And Cat antibody rapid detection card for cats and dogs uses rapid immunochromatographic detection technology to detect Mycoplasma Canis And Cat virus antibody in dogs and cats. After adding samples from the rectum or feces to the sampling well, they move along the chromatographic membrane along with colloidal gold labeled anti Mycoplasma Canis And Cat monoclonal antibodies. If Mycoplasma Canis And Cat antibody is present in the sample, it binds to the antibody on the detection line and displays a wine red color. If there is no Mycoplasma Canis And Cat antibody present in the sample, no color reaction occurs.

[Kit composition]



20T / box


test   cards (including straws)



Sample   dilution



Cotton swab

20 sticks


instruction   manual


[Storage and expiry date] Store in a cool and dry place (2-30 ° C), valid for 24 months.

[Operation method]

1. Collect whole blood serum (2000-3000 rpm/heart rate separation for 5-15 minutes, or naturally precipitate overnight at 4 ℃), or use whole blood with anticoagulants as the test sample. Whole blood without anticoagulants can also be used, but testing must be carried out immediately.
2. Tear open the aluminum foil packaging bag, remove the inspection card, and place it on a flat and clean surface.
3. Use a matching straw to absorb the collected sample, slowly and accurately add 3 drops drop by drop to the sampling hole marked with "S".
4. Leave at room temperature for 10-20 minutes to determine the result. If the result exceeds 20 minutes, it will be invalid.


1. Products with damaged aluminum foil packaging bags cannot be used. The detection card must be used within 1 hour after removal.

2. The sampled samples should be immediately tested to avoid long-term storage.
3. The collection of samples directly affects the accuracy of testing, so ensuring the correct and sufficient collection of samples.
Excessive collection of fecal samples may lead to incorrect results (black bands appearing). Dilute the sample with buffer and repeat the experiment.
5. Avoid foam when adding the sample to the sample adding hole of the detection card.
6. Products that have expired cannot be used.
7. Do not mix sample buffer solutions from different products.
8. Used test cards and samples must be properly treated as pollutants in accordance with relevant local regulations.